We’re pleased to reveal AHJ Corp.’s new logo as the clock is ticking toward corporation registry in Canada soon.
We’ll be more than happy to hear your opinions and feedback on design of the logo.

We’re pleased to reveal AHJ Corp.’s new logo as the clock is ticking toward corporation registry in Canada soon.
We’ll be more than happy to hear your opinions and feedback on design of the logo.
Upon our job creation policy, we will recruit our future PMO members and other specialists through experts and specialists from local market in Canada
We’ve been awarded completion certificate of international start-up program by The York Entrepreneur Development Institute of Toronto (YEDI) in Feb. 2018
We’ve been awarded completion certificate of Health/ Safety and Environmental measures by Int. Safety/ Standards Training Center in Feb. 2015
We’ve been awarded completion certificate of Seismic Resistance for construction & Design by Kazakh Science and Research Institute in Feb. 2013